Ngoro Ngoro guitar solo transcription

Stumbled upon a band from Japan called Special Others. Their music can probably be best described as instrumental post-rock, but with the feel of a jazz band. Their song “Ngoro Ngoro” caught my attention–it’s formatted much like a jazz tune where the band plays the head and then trades solos. I thought it would be a good exercise for me to transcribe the guitarist’s solo; here’s what I got so far:

Misc thoughts:

  • Ears tell me changes are vi-IV-V-I
  • Mainly C# minor pentatonic with lots of passing tones. Looking at it tabbed it, it doesn’t look so complicated. But it sounds great.
  • If I were to improvise over this, there’s an opportunity for an E harmonic minor during the V chord. Special Other’s guitarist never tries it.
  • It’s cool to see an example where ^ isn’t needed to make an interesting sounding solo.

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